U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack made an appearance at the last day of World Dairy Expo on Friday, and among the topics he discussed was the timely question of progress on the next farm bill
Starting today (Monday, July 1), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will begin accepting applications for financial assistance from dairy producers who experienced milk losses due to highly pathogenic...
Dairy farmers in states including California, Minnesota, New York, and Washington have had their labor costs swell in recent years as their state legislatures implemented requirements for overtime pay
The reason stressed cows produce less milk appears to be rooted in lactose synthesis, which is limited when cows are challenged with a stressor, describe researchers from the University of California,...
Nothing happens in a bubble, and that is especially true with legislation. As dairy and agricultural policy leaders begin work on the next farm bill and other ag legislation, they will be dealing with
The volatility of the federal order pricing during COVID-19 and the ensuing economic upheaval has caused many dairy industry members to re-evaluate the effectiveness of federal order pricing. During t
Manure application is often a race against the clock. With a limited window of time in the spring or fall, there aren’t always enough days suitable for application to empty manure storages.Plus,...
“The NMPF board unanimously passed a federal order modernization plan yesterday that we can take to USDA and hopefully get passed,” stated Randy Mooney on Tuesday, October 25, 2022. “Dairy...
Every dairy farmer knows that raising a calf to maturity takes great care, with an appreciation of the challenge and a goal of doing what’s best rather than what’s easy
Despite the many advances in dairy cattle nutrition, we are still faced with some challenges. One of those challenges is to ensure adequate dry matter intake (DMI) in transition cows to optimize health
As the dairy industry continues to come together in discussions around changes to the federal milk marketing system, we have to consider what goals we want a milk pricing structure to accomplish. The
“We haven’t had many major changes to the federal orders since 2000,” shared Jim Mulhern with those attending the 24th annual meeting of Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) on March 23
The dairy market disruptions from COVID-19 through 2020 and into 2021 exposed flaws in the foundation of U.S. dairy policy and milk pricing. Numerous discussions have been had over negative producer